
Kamis, 30 Januari 2014


Dear Valued Client,

We are happy to announce that we have finally finished our website renewal and would like to present you some good news!

Free .COM Domain names every week! Follow our page on facebook and find the latest offers - we are giving free domain names every week there!

Do not want to win a free domain? No problem - we are finally selling domain names on site. So you do not have to waist your time and look for top level domains somewhere else - you can now buy from the cPanel - Domains section.

Also we are offering PREMIUM hosting plans, so if you need more space, more bandwidth, more CPU power or faster user support - feel free to upgrade your account.

Even more great is that we started to sell VPS servers, so if you feel that you need to boost your website power, register a VPS and enjoy unlimited possibilities!

Sincerely, is a free hosting provider. You are receiving this emal because you sign up with us. To unsubscribe from the newsletters please click unsubscribe here.